


【#高一# 导语】高一新生要根据自己的条件,以及高中阶段学科知识交叉多、综合性强,以及考查的知识和思维触点广的特点,找寻一套行之有效的学习方法。为各位同学整理了《高一英语下学期知识点归纳》,希望对您的学习有所帮助!


  1.Prepare to do sth 准备做某事

  2.Get prepare 准备好

  3.instead of 代替

  4.a number of 大量的

  5.thousands of 成千上万的

  6.it seemed that Shake with 使受震惊

  7.Shake hands with sb.与某人握手

  8.Shake down 安顿下来

  9.Be bursting to do sth.急于做某事

  9.Burst into/in 闯入

  10.Burst with anger 勃然大怒

  11.Be in ruins 成为废墟

  12.Ruin ones hopes 使某人希望破灭

  13.Judge sb 评价

  14.Judge by/from 从...看来

  15.Be/feel honoured by 对...感到荣幸

  16.Give honour to sb 敬重


  1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.

  强调句基本句型:it is/ was…. that….其中指人时可用who(主),whom(宾)。

  2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we (should) find the source of the river.

  insist that….(should)+ v原形 坚持要;坚持要求

  insist that….陈述语气 坚持说;坚持认为

  3. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles? (metaphor)

  4. To climb the mountain road was hard work but to go down the hills was great fun.

  5. Good luck on your journey.

  6. The lake shone like glass in the moonlight. (simile)


  1. either…or…和neither…nor…连接两个名词作主语,谓语动词采取就近原则。

  2. be different in


  be different from 强调在各方面的不同

  3. in the end 最后,最终 后无of 结构


  ⑴finally: 按照顺序的最后,常与first, secondly 等连用

  ⑵at last: 经过长时间等待直到最后

  ⑶in the end: 经过长期曲折斗争努力,终于… 如:战争等

  4. 与人交谈,常会有听不清楚或听不懂的情形,遇到这种情况该如何开口呢?


  ⑵I beg your pardon? I don’t understand./ Sorry, I can’t follow you.


  ⑶Could you say that again, please? / Could you repeat that, please? 请再说一遍好吗?

  ⑷Could you speak more slowly, please? 请你说得慢一点好吗?

  5. include ─ including; included identity ─ identify

  actually ─ actual (adj); apidly ─ rapid (v)

  government (n) ─ govern(v) wide (adj) ─ widen (v);

  broad (adj) ─ broaden (v) foreign ─ foreigner;

  solve (v) ─ solution (n)

  6. petrol------gas ; lift------elevator;

  flat------apartment film------movie;

  sweets----candy; post------mail


  prefer to do , rather than do 喜欢做……而不喜欢做

  would rather do , than do喜欢做……而不喜欢做

  would do , rather than do喜欢做……而不喜欢做

  fare VS fee费用

  ever since自从

  it’s is / has been + 时间段 + since 从句 自……以来已经

  graduate from/ in从……毕业

  be fond of喜爱

  cut across穿过打断;抄近路穿过;遮断;与…相抵触

  cut up切碎;砍伤;恶作剧;使悲痛

  cut down砍倒

  care about照顾

  care for关心

  determine to do sth = be determined to do sth 决心做某事

  change one’s mind改变主意

  make up one’s mind改变主意

  at an altitude of在……的海拔高度

  give up 放弃

  give off发出,放出 give out分发,公布

  give away泄露,赠送

  keep pace with与……并进

  as usual像往常一样

  bend over趴;伏;弯腰,弯曲

  take the advantage of利用

  persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth not to do sth/ out of doing sth 说服某人做或者不做某事

  advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

  try to persuade sb to do sth试图说服某人去做某件事

  although =though虽然

  grow up成长

  insist on坚持

  put up张贴

  put down记下,放下 put off延期 put on穿上

  put away收起来、 can hardly wait to do sth忍不住做某事


  because of由于

  come up上来;发生;提到;开庭

  come up with想起

  come in进来,进入

  come on快点;开始;前进;开始工作

  come out出来,发芽

  actually= in fact =as a matter of fact= in reality实际上

  be based on在……的基础上

  at present现在

  make use of make full/ good use of充分利用

  such as例如

  play a part/ role in在……扮演角色

  recognize … as将……认成……、

  more than one + 谓语用单数 不止一个的……、

  at the end of在……的末尾

  in the end 最终

  at an end到头;结束,终止,耗尽

  voyage= tour= travel= journey旅行,旅途

  than ever before 比以往都更……、

  even if / though虽然

  communicate with those + 定语从句 用who 和某些人交流,交流的人们用定语从句修饰

  in his forties 在他的40多岁的时候

  the former the latter 前者……后者……

  a number of很多

  the number of……的数量

  make sense 有意义 对usage / use 用途

  believe it or not信不信由你

  there is no such + 名词 (不加冠词) 没有这样的

  the way + in which / that /省略 ……的方式

  especially = specially尤其

  straight adj/ adv 笔直的,正直的

标签:  高一  高一英语下学期知识点归纳




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