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【#高三# #高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理#】旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上,努力让自己成为高考的主角,让高考见证你的成功。下面是©高三频道整理的《高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理》,希望大家喜欢。

1.高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理 篇一

1. get sb interested in 使某人对……感兴趣

2. the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth 干…的方法

3. care about 关心;忧虑

4. care for/to do sth 希望或同意做某事

5. give in 让步

6. make camp 野营;宿营

7. dream of doing 梦想做某事

8. persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth 说服某人做某事/不做某事

9. try to persuade sb to do 尽力说服某人做某事=advise sb to do sth

10. insist on sth/doing sth 一定要(某事);坚决主张

11. make up one's mind 下定决心

12. put up one's tents 搭起帐篷

13. set /break(beat)/hold a record 创造/打破/保持记录

14. have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 梦见某人/某物/梦想……

15. dream of/about... dream a dream

16. be determined to do sth 决心干某事 (表状态)

17. determine sb to do sth 使某人下决心做某事(表动作)

18. sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉

sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间

19. A be similar to B A与B相似

20. read one's mind 看出某人心事

2.高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理 篇二

1. dream of/about 梦想做…

2. to be honest= honestly speaking = to tell the truth 说实话

3. form the habit of... 形成…习惯

in the form of… 以…形式

4. I would appreciate it if… 如果…我将不胜感激.

go wrong 出故障 come up with 提出 make up 构成;编造

5. as is often the case 情况通常如此

6. It looks as if it is going to rain.(真实语气:很有可能发生)

He treats me as if I were a stranger. (虚拟语气:与现在事实相反)

He talked about Rome as if he had been there before. (虚拟语气:与过去事实相反)

3.高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理 篇三

1. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women. 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。 (否定词置于句首,句子倒装。)

⑴ So+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 “也是的一样的”, 强调后者同前者肯定情况一样。

⑵ Neither/Nor+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语“也不” , 强调后者同前者否定情况一样。

⑶ So+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词 “的确如此啊”,对前面情况的肯定。

2. Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics…

(1) 引导并列结构:引导主语时,谓语动词 就近原则。

(2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。

例如:Not only did they take photos, but also they had a bid dinner.

3. There is as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地激烈。

(1) as/so + 形容词/副词原级 + as…

例如:He is as tall as his brother, but he doesn’t study as/so well as his brother.

(2) as/so + 形容词+ 不可数名词/可数名词复数+ as…

例如:He gave me as valuable advice as you did.

(3) as/so + 形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数 + as…

例如:Tom is as tall a boy as Harry.

4.高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理 篇四

survive 幸免,生存,生还

in search of 寻找

select 挑选

design 设计,图案,构思

fancy 奇特的,异样的,想象

decorate 装饰,装潢

belong to 属于

in return 作为回报

remove 移动,搬动

less than 少于

doubt 怀疑

worth 值得的,相当于…的价值

take apart 拆开

5.高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理 篇五

roll 滚动,摇晃,卷,

dream of 梦见,梦想

to be honest 实话说

attach 系上,附加

attach …to 认为有……(重要性、意义)

form 组成,形成,构成

earn 赚,挣得

perform 表演,执行,履行

play jokes on 戏弄

rely on 依赖,依靠

be/get familiar with 熟悉

or so 大约

break up 打碎

in addition 另外

sort out 分类

above all 最重要,首先

标签:  高三  高三英语必修二知识点笔记整理




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